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Judgement-free consults for native landscaping with an emphasis on residential, commercial, food, and flowers.

About Native Landscaping

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What is a native plant?


A native plant is a species of flower, shrub, tree, or grass, that has adapted specially to grow optimally in Kentucky with low maintenance, and high resiliency. The hot summers and sub-zero temperatures we regularly experience here do not affect the plants we install because they are used to the climate.


Why go native?


- Lower maintenance effort and cost

- Non-invasive, no worries about spreading out of control

- Provides food and habitat for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators

- Supports a healthy and diverse native ecosystem


What is the process of getting my yarden started?


New clients should book a consultation with us on the Landscaping tab. After the consultation, we will then provide a list of recommended plants and a quote for installation. After the installation, we will provide one seasonal check-up ​for free, additional check ups may be purchased. Then, enjoy your new yarden!

Image by Veronica Reverse

Who We Are

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Jody and Mariah, who collectively make up Beargrass Thunder, do outstanding advocacy work to improve our built environment, make communities and transportation accessible, and promote urban biodiversity and agriculture.


They successfully advocated for 'yarden' legislation in Louisville, making it legal to have edible and native gardens in front yards instead of only lawns. They also promote New Urbanist principles like adding trees to the streetscape, rezoning so different amenities can coexist in the same neighborhood, walkability, and public transit. Jody and Mariah are always positive and delightful to be around, even when the issues are discouraging and unjust.


They lead by example, always at the front of an event or workshop, or with their hands in the dirt planting native plants, removing invasive species, or cleaning waterways. They are always open to community input and work in a coalition and consensus model, inspiring others to join them on the journey. Through their work with Beargrass Thunder, Jody and Mariah are taking climate action one yarden at a time. 

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 4:30pm - Sunset
Saturday & Sunday:

By appointment only


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